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Ordinary business goals don’t shape the future; let’s co-create your transformative moonshot. 

Transforming company ambitions and challenges into tangible impacts.

Start Dreaming Big - Try Our Moonshot Generator!
Make Your Transition Innovation

Big problems require big solutions.

The current world is facing many challenges. Whether we are talking about climate crisis, conflicts, wars, inequality or energy adoption. They are all big and very ambitious to tackle. Moonshot Thinking is all about aiming for big changes that make a real difference in the world. It’s not just about everyday goals; it’s about finding what truly inspires you and your team and getting everyone moving in the same direction to make it real. This approach helps us create something that lasts and has a big impact. It’s about starting with small steps towards our big dreams.

So question yourself: where do you stand today, how do you imagine the future and what are your obstacles getting there?

Why Moonshots?

Moonshots are essential because they address the core challenges leaders face: the need for transformative solutions and sustainable impact. It about transforming your visionary ideas into impactful realities. It directly tackles the pain points of feeling stuck in incremental progress and the desire for significant, lasting change. By focusing on moonshots, you're not just innovating; you're setting the stage to revolutionize your industry, ensuring your efforts lead to meaningful and enduring outcomes. This is about daring to dream bigger and making those dreams a tangible part of our world!

Let’s create your Moonshot!

Find out your vision that has the potential to make a significant impact on the world by answering 7 simple questions.

create your Moonshot

Famous moonshot examples

Moonshot: To fundamentally transform the way organizations interpret and utilize big data to solve complex problems from counter-terrorism to public health crises.  

Impact Metrics: Palantir’s technology has been deployed by numerous government agencies and private corporations. Their software has been cited as playing a role in locating Osama bin Laden, and it has also been used in COVID-19 vaccine distribution planning.

Moonshot: To significantly reduce ocean plastic pollution by deploying innovative cleanup systems and technologies designed to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and intercept plastic in rivers before it can reach the ocean.

Impact Metrics: The Ocean Cleanup projects aim to remove 90% of floating ocean plastics, utilizing advanced systems that have already collected substantial amounts of plastic from the ocean, demonstrating a scalable and effective approach to addressing ocean pollution.

Moonshot: To accelerate the global transition to sustainable energy through the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, renewable energy generation, and energy storage solutions.

Impact Metrics: Tesla has become a leader in electric vehicle sales globally, pushing forward the reduction of carbon emissions. Their investments in solar energy and battery storage are key steps towards minimizing fossil fuel dependence.

Who is this for?

This Moonshot Workshop is designed for leaders and drivers of change who are not just seeking to innovate, but to make a meaningful impact in their field. If you’re excited about finding transformative solutions for a sustainable and profitable future, this experience will give you the framework to bring those ideas to life. It’s for those who understand how innovation can reshape their organizations and industries and are eager to take the calculated risks needed to lead the way.

Bridging the gap with a Moonshot session

We noticed that actually implementing a moonshot is where the real challenge lies. We are bridging the gap with our Moonshot co-creation session. We help you and your team during the journey from understanding the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Moonshot thinking to the actionable ‘How’. 

Our Moonshot Workshop equips you with the tools to identify your company’s moonshot, translate it into a viable business model, and create a roadmap for achieving your ambitious goals. 

hands on sessions

Dive deep into interactive sessions where you apply real-time learning to identify and develop your moonshot idea.

expert guidance

leave with a definitive vision for your moonshot and a step-by-step plan to make it a reality, ensuring you leave ready to take on the world.

Workshop outline

At its core, moonshot thinking is the pursuit of audacious goals that push the boundaries of what’s possible. Just like JFK’s vision of landing a man on the moon, these ambitions have the potential to unite teams, mobilize resources, and open doors to new horizons.

At Aimforthemoon we are convinced that big organizations can positively change tomorrow’s world with innovation, it is our moonshot to help organizations achieve this.

1. Introduction to Moonshots

Unlock the mindset needed to envision and pursue transformative goals that redefine industries.

2. Identifying your Moonshot

Learn how to pinpoint challenges worth solving and articulate a vision that sets the stage for significant impact.

3. Innovation Frameworks

Learn how to pinpoint challenges worth solving and articulate a vision that sets the stage for significant impact.

4. Building Your Moonshot Team

Understand the essentials of assembling a multidisciplinary team capable of turning ambitious ideas into reality.

5. Strategy and Execution

Dive into planning and executing your moonshot, from initial concept through to roadmap development, leveraging the Business Model Canvas.

6. Navigating the Risksiest Assumptions

Identify and address the desirability, feasibility, and viability of your moonshot to mitigate risks and clarify your path forward.

7. Sustainable Impact

Ensure your moonshot contributes positively to your industry and society, focusing on long-term success and sustainability.

8. Implementation plan

Craft a clear, actionable plan to move from workshop insights to real-world application, including partnership and funding strategies.

Read what others say about the Moonshot workshop

“The first 12 months of the project were a big learning experience. At times I felt very uncomfortable. The whole way of working is very different from what I was used to. Since you don’t know where you’re going yet, and you don’t know what will work yet, you need to take risks in order to potentially strike gold.”

Rutger BoschCo-founder Revolt

“Our team has been highly enthusiastic about adopting and applying what we have learned through our partnership with Aimforthemoon and we expect this to deliver new benefits across the organization, and most importantly for our customers.”

Marcel VonderVP Product Management

“Even our management team did not expect that we would be able to develop so many new applications in addition to the scope of the assignment.”

Michiel AlkemadeProject lead Wolters Kluwer

Want to learn more about Moonshot Thinking?

We’ve already mentioned our commitment to create impact. That’s why we’re offering you the opportunity to pick our brains for a 30-minute moonshot session.

Schedule a call with Leonard.

We’re ready and excited to take on the challenge with you, so let’s start exploring together!

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