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Innovation strategy is the lifeblood of business. It provides the spark that drives progress, pushes boundaries, and lays the foundation for future success. But too often, companies mistake the trees for the forest, focusing more on winning battles instead of the larger war. In this article, we will explore the prevailing theme of innovation and urge businesses to adopt a broader view, understanding the crucial difference between winning isolated battles and fighting a protracted war.

The Common Missteps in Innovation Strategy

The common misstep in disruptive innovation is a trap that many companies fall into. In their pursuit of innovation, they become absorbed in individual projects, pouring all their energy into ensuring smooth execution and achieving specific milestones. The focus becomes solely on crossing the finish line and celebrating the success of a single project. While it’s important to have well-executed projects, this narrow focus often leads to a critical oversight—the bigger picture. Companies can become so fixated on individual victories that they lose sight of the larger war they are fighting. As a result, the innovations they develop, while flawless in execution, fail to make a significant impact on the business or the industry as a whole. The problem lies in the fact that these isolated victories are too small in scope or lack the necessary punch to drive meaningful change. They may not align with the core purpose and goals of the business, ultimately falling short of creating a transformative impact. Winning a few battles might provide a temporary sense of accomplishment, but it does not guarantee victory in the larger war of innovation. To overcome this misstep, companies must shift their perspective and adopt a broader view of innovation activities. It’s not about individual projects or isolated wins; it’s about the cumulative effect of all their efforts. Successful innovation should be seen as a continuous journey towards a transformative goal, rather than a series of independent projects.

The Need for a Paradigm Shift

To truly understand the importance of winning the innovation war, we can draw inspiration from non-profit organizations and their concept of the “theory of change.” Unlike companies solely focused on executing projects, these organizations prioritize the ultimate impact they aim to achieve. They recognize that it’s not about isolated wins; it’s about a collection of efforts aimed at a singular, overarching objective. Consider the example of an organization dedicated to addressing the issue of homelessness. Their theory of change goes beyond building a single shelter or providing temporary relief. It encompasses a comprehensive approach that involves various projects and initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of homelessness, including job training programs, affordable housing initiatives, and community support networks. Each project, regardless of its size, contributes to the organization’s larger goal of eradicating homelessness. Similar to the moon landing, which was not the result of a single project but an accumulation of multiple successful ventures, companies must view common innovation as a cumulative effort. Each project, each innovation, should contribute towards achieving the grand ambition. It’s not about winning a single battle but about progressing towards the big hairy audacious goal of transformation.
“Innovation is all about winning the war and not the battle…We’re doing it to make products, businesses that matter. We’re doing it to make a difference.” Leonard

Balancing the Battles – Big and Small Innovations

In this protracted war of radical innovation, both small and large battles matter. It’s important for companies to strike a balance between the big, audacious innovations and the smaller, immediate actions. While larger projects may involve radical changes and restructuring, smaller actions provide invaluable insights and enable gradual progress towards the desired impact. Moreover, the transformative potential of systems thinking lies in this intricate web of cause and effect. Let’s consider the example of an enterprise aiming to transition to regenerative farming practices. They may need to undertake larger projects, such as rethinking their entire business model and implementing sustainable farming techniques. These initiatives require significant resources and long-term planning. Simultaneously, smaller actions, such as adopting eco-friendly packaging or implementing water conservation measures, can be implemented immediately and contribute to the overall sustainability goals. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin in the innovation war. Both provide valuable lessons and insights that guide future efforts. By embracing a portfolio of both big and small innovations, companies develop a comprehensive and impactful innovation strategy.

Winning the War – The Future of Innovation Strategy

To truly win the innovation war, companies must go beyond the notion of isolated victories and embrace a holistic approach to innovation. It’s not about a single project or a string of victories, but about defining a better future and relentlessly charting a course towards it. When an innovation strategy aligns with an ambitious, world-changing vision, it opens up the possibility of balancing financial aspirations with the desire to create a substantial impact. Innovation should not be a mere buzzword, but a strategic tool to mold the world as per the company’s vision. For instance, consider a company aiming to develop sustainable transportation solutions. Their grand ambition is to reduce carbon emissions and create a greener future. This overarching objective should guide their innovation business strategy. While launching a groundbreaking electric vehicle may be a significant milestone, it’s not the sole indicator of success. It’s a piece of the puzzle that contributes to the larger vision. The company should focus on a portfolio of activities and projects that align with their vision. This may include investing in renewable energy sources, establishing charging infrastructure, and exploring new materials and technologies for vehicle manufacturing. Each type of innovation, regardless of its scale, should be a step towards the desired impact. Success lies not in isolated victories but in the cumulative effect of these efforts.


Innovation is a journey, not a destination. It’s a long and winding path filled with wins and losses, triumphs and setbacks. To truly succeed in the innovation war, companies must shift their perspective and focus on winning the larger battle, rather than getting lost in the pursuit of isolated victories. The path to victory requires a balance between big and small innovations, as well as a profound understanding of the overall impact and purpose of the business. Companies must embrace a portfolio approach to innovation, with each project contributing towards the larger transformative goal. In this unending war of innovation, the goal isn’t just about survival, but about leaving a significant impact. As we march ahead, let us pledge to fight the right battles, learn from our missteps, and stay committed to our collective ambition. By doing so, we can navigate the challenges, overcome obstacles, and triumph in the long run. Innovation should be a means to shape the future and create a world that aligns with our aspirations. So, let us embark on this journey, armed with ambition and the determination to make a difference.